Catherine OConnor

Cosmic Source Love Codes Program

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Cosmic Source Love Codes Program

Curate Your One-Of-A-Kind Life & Embody Higher Spiritual Consciousness

If you are on a visionary path and you're finding it hard to break through the next level of consciousness ceilings - create your life as you desire it in all the areas that matter to you, have impact, money, relationship, and 100% satisfaction without; holding back, waiting for the right time, having your work tax your system or experiencing the limitations of your personal relationships. 

Then Cosmic Source Love Codes and I will show you an alternative modality utilizing the most overlooked resource creators and practitioners have; your Galactic, Divine origins, tapping into your spiritual self without limiting thoughts, slower emotions, or body sensations running the show.

Being connected to your Divine and Cosmic origins gives you an access pass for life to a deeply nourishing and enjoyable-evolutionary-path, that continues to expand beyond the time frame of this program. 

This is a journey to the self; embodying your Divine and unique cosmic light, whilst remaining grounded on the Earth and connected to Source Love. Completing lifetimes of fear, doubt, frustration, anger, death, and more…Integrating lifetimes on the Earth and other star systems. 

Your potent twelve-week Cosmic Source Love Codes journey is calibrated with a dynamic, personalized energy vortex, Twelve on-demand, powerful forty-five-minute activations. One or Two one-on-one seventy-five-minute sessions. Six one on one ninety-minute group live,  transmissions, and a bonus Source Love Codes, card deck initiating timeline jumping internal and external transformations resulting in and from accessing your Multidimensional Divine Self. Plus one month of aftercare. 

Total due $3,300

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