The energetics of curating and living a successful, prosperous, and deeply fulfilling life.

 I am welcoming a handful of highly sensitive, creative, innovative change-makers, practitioners, visionaries, and leaders... 

…and showing them exactly how to embody their Divine Presence, and be grounded on the Earth creating a life that looks and feels like them. 

Imagine being able to:

  • Co-create with beings of light in light (including Thoth and Ascended Masters so you can activate all that is aligned for you to be, create and enjoy)
  • Be Aligned (aligning to Source, Soul, inner Love, and  Light; success and prosperity on your terms) 
  • Be Authentic; who you are defines your world. (Be unapologetically You, healthy career choices, parenting optimally for you and your family, nurturing your body as your body requires)
  • Be Love (heart-centered, fun, laughter. joy, harmony, synchronicity….) 
  • Be Sovereign (Truth, Love, Empowerment, Wisdom, Right relationship, Right action.. without feeling like you are trying to do it all yourself ) 
  • Access deeper states of Creativity (tapping into the creator codes of the multiverse and unleashing your inner creative genius

If you are on a visionary path and you're feeling stuck, finding it hard to break through your next level of consciousness ceilings - feeling 100% fulfilled and filled up, without compromising your; integrity, finances, stability, loved ones' requirements, or; holding back, waiting for the right time, experiencing any limitations that may have arisen from past experiences or choices.

then Divine Presence and I will show you an alternative pathway utilizing the most overlooked resource Star Seeds and forerunners have; your Divine origins; tapping into your spiritual self without limiting thoughts, emotions, or body sensations running the show. preventing you from experiencing your Divine; Self and Life.

So that you can: 

  • Come into greater states of internal wholeness (complete lifetimes of shock) ( emanate, receive and be; Joy, Bliss, Gratitude, Love, Abundance, Peace, Compassion, inner Spaciousness, …without faking it)
  • Align to and actualize your deepest personal and soul desires in all areas of your life; Complete lifetimes of fear, hiding out, silence, and more (without feeling like this isn't you). Create impactful light alignment tools, open a childhood center that tends to new paradigm children, develop new communities, create a healthy food supply, have a career with a company that aligns with your values, and communicate with your children from a deep inner knowing and soul connection, experience optimal health, and abundance. without questioning all your decisions or compromising the well-being of yourself and those you love)
  • Be deeply fulfilled (happy confident, relaxed and dynamic without fears of visibility, abandonment, judgment, not being enough, or too much) 
  • Creative from the inside out, brimming with ideas to optimize the resources you do have and create your perfect career, home, work environment, holiday, piece of art, inspired conversation, article, book, playtime with the kids, without compromising or burning out)
  • Experience greater states of True Freedom (make aligned expansive choices for you and your loved ones, without Karmic patterns overriding your deep inner knowing)
  • Stand out amongst the crowd attracting perfectly matched relationships, money flowing, synchronicity, and rapidly growing your soul mission in all areas of your life (without feeling staid, over-committed, overworked,  underestimated, or undernourished by your work and relationships)
  • Contribute, by Being YOU,  to evolving a sustainable planet, leaving a positive legacy for future generations. 

If this sounds like you …send us an email to  letting us know YES, you want to be considered.

BTW We start soon; opening up 12 spaces, so if you’re feeling called to join us, then send us an email