Catherine and the guides offer Channeled Transmissions, Masterclasses, and Powerful Activations.

Learn more about prerecorded activations and transmissions available below. 


Alignment is essential. Being in alignment creates stability in our system and allows us to come from our heart space and be deeply connected to our central channel and the chakras. 

The energies at the current moment are very potent and ramped up. We are now coming into these 5th dimensional ways of living as beings of light on the Earth Star. The planet has already moved into this 5th dimension and we are on the path to doing so as well. 

Now is the time and space in which we can move past the old karmic cycles and move into resonance with who it is that we truly are. It is time to complete and release old ways of being so that we can move beyond separation consciousness into unity consciousness and anchor ourselves into this new vibration. 

Join us in this essential transmission to align to who it is that you truly be in order to step into the vibration of the 5th dimension. In this activation you will be included in the energies in a way that is bespoke and aligned for you. This also includes a 24 hour vortex at the time you listen to the recording.  

Legacy of Love


Activate your spiritual truth with love and create a life that meets all of your deepest physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual longings. Receive increased quotients of Source love and release blockages in the throat to voice your truth with love, and create your life more in the way you desire it.

In these activations the guides and I show you how to be in Sovereign by activating your High Heart.

Be in greater resonance with Source love, Voice your Truth with love, release vibrations out of alignment and release blockages. Activate a unique channel of light that flows from your heart to your throat, whilst remaining in relationship with your totality.

Create your life and ask for what you desire from others and the multiverse to come into greater internal balance. Activating the high heart brings you into closer resonance with Source love, amplifying your natural resonance or ability to receive Divine Love. Placed between the heart and throat, the high heart amplifies and activates the channel of light and information flowing from the heart to the throat.

Join us so that you may speak your Truth with Love and Power in this series that includes three 75-minute pre-recorded sessions (and a bonus three-week nourishing energy vortex) 

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In this 2 hours masterclass, Thoth, my guides and welcome unique souls who are on a path of evolution to activate their Divine Presence.  Recalibrate to your unique essence and soul's deepest desires, giving you internal resources to create a bespoke life. 

Are you holding onto the status quo, frightened to stand out, taking limited action, anxious you may lose, or not be able to provide for those you love? 

We invite you to activate and switch on your multidimensional Divine Presence. Align and anchor to your Inner Light. Align to your Soul’s potential and Source to release fears so you can innovate and live a resourced life that is resonant with who you are.

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Catherine OConnor

“Catherine is a magical Sacred Architect. The energy she brings through with her light language and activations is of such h vibration; I feel somehow both more peaceful, expansive, and more of the Truth of myself just being in her presence.”

Catherine OConnor

“I am in deep gratitude for Catherine’s robust transmission. Through her voice, light language, and the energy she transmits, I am filled with a deep, soul-level remembering of Divine Love. It awakens the cells of my physical body and consciousness to many profoundly beautiful forgotten Truths. If you would like to connect to the Truth of who you are and how loved you are by the Divine, I HIGHLY recommend exploring Catherine’s offerings.”

Catherine OConnor

“The transmissions of Catherine are such a Divine gift. When she channels her light language, it nurtures your system and unlocks the potential that is ready to be revealed from the depth of your being. The Crystalline frequencies she transmits come from the stars. They connect you with your Star origin. It is such a gift and a blessing to work with Catherine, and I am so thankful she is sharing her gifts with the world. ”